Part.... DUECE DUECE DUECE (yes it needed 3 times the Duece to get that echo effect)
This part I would like to call - DEFATUS DICTS
Haha say it with me now "DEFATUS DICTS" (the fattest dicks) funny right? well here some history with that.
If I can recall I started going to the local car meets here in my hometown of Vallejo, CA back in the summer of last year (I think). A friend of mine Dino of J_STATUS (we both met on the forums) invited me to come out to these local meets. Back then I wasn't sporting anything amazing on my ride, still had stock everything, just rocking my Greddy Ti-C single exhaust and loving every minute of my Z.
Tuesday night meets in Vallejo is held by my buddies the Def Sik Crew. These guys, not to be biased or anything, all have tough Subies, each one different from the next all Gens it's like baskin robbins with all 31 flavors haha.

Now what makes a good meet? Cars of course, but there are elements that are needed to make a meet good, and make car crews respectable. Cars, good people, good people that aren't cocky, people who don't rev, people who don't talk shit, people who respect other peoples rides no matter what state they are in. Those and more make meets good. The Def Sik guys are just that, even though I didn't have a Suby, they accepted me and not shunned me out. Since then we've all been great friends and a ever continuing growing crew/family.
Onto J_STATUS, J_STATUS is anything that is clean and to show that you are down for the crew (Dino correct me or add to this if I'm missing anything), everything that embodies form and function of how JDM is. That is what J_STATUS is. Now everybody can't get J_STATUS, it'll be agreed upon the members that are in it and if you show that you're down for the program. Now don't get it twisted, they are far from being stuck up prime donas, like Def Sik, there is no hate all are respected all are welcomed.
J_STATUS Dino (silver) and A.D.D.icts Justin (Red)

Def Sik and J_STATUS have been around before A.D.D.icts ever came into the mix but as a whole as North Bay's Trifecta we are all fam, and become a huge and strong unit from daily driving, shows, track time we always have a good time.
And now last but not least the crew I represent A.D.D.icts Crew. I shall reiterate who we are since I was lame and haven't gotten to updating this shit until now.
A.D.D.icts was formed by me Justin and my brethren Jeremy from Sacramento. We both were on the 350Z forums just posting our usual shenanigans, then we both met at the 370Z Cruise when the new 370Z was first debut. From then on we would be chattin it up online and hitting up the same meets and so on. One day we were both sick and tired of being in crews that had people that weren't so dedicated and barely drove their rides. Soon enough we were both like "Hey why don't we form our own?" Thus creating Active DD (Daily Drivers). Reason for this is because again we were sick, sick and tired of seeing dope rides never being driven at all and just end up being a dusty trophy piece. One thing led to another, and became what it is today A.D.D.icts.
There are 2 Divisions here in California, we have A.D.D.icts Sacramento.

Then there is A.D.D.icts Bay Area. (damn guys we need to get a photo together!)
All of us combined we are DEFATUS DICTS (just a joke but hey its funny when you mash all our crews together to get that, it was like it was meant to be.)
Tuesdays Meets in Vallejo, CA at the Target Center.
Thursday Meets in Pleasant Hill, CA at Quicklys near DVC. All are welcome, don't be shy, we don't bite. Unless you're into that kind of thing *wink*
Last but not least I shall post some vids from our cruises and meets. Brought to you by Brokeside Productions!
The Starting Lineup from DEFSIK on Vimeo.
Shouts to Def Sik, J_STATUS, A.D.D.icts whaddup my brothas and sistas much love, Mr. Ron Meyers waddup bro thanks for always pushing me to do this blog ish and giving me the inspiration to push it and realize that I can and will kill it when it comes time to build the Z to where it should be, Suzbaru for always bringing the funnies (I shall see both of you soon in the south bay again), Fam always love, people I didn't get to mention of course you all are special to me don't think I ever forgot you all. Last but not least, of course the HATERS, if it wasn't for you man i wouldn't have anyone to piss off. While you all are wishing it I'm living it.
much love,
A.D.D.icts Justin
Part 3 coming up if i feel like doing that tonight maybe tomorrow haha.
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