Let it be known, I've been tolerant of you for years the shit you pulled this time. You pushed me to this point, enough is enough.
Intro -These past couple weeks have been a whirlwind of excitement. Amongst those things, another wisdom tooth came in and fucked my jaw up, my right knee just decides to get swollen, people who point the finger at me, and the disposal of the project cressida. And so here we go, facebook won't allow me to write a lengthy, witty, and pretty much true talk message about some people who can't own up for what they done and have OTHER PEOPLE fight their battles, a cowardice - no A BITCH move on their part. Lets kick this party off by saying, "Man up for once, you fucking crusty vaginal taint cheese."
How This Whole Clusterfuck Started - Many months ago, I came up with an idea of getting a project car started, something for the crew to use and learn on and to take our friends along for the ride when we go drifting at the track. So the hunt for the perfect candidate came to an end when I stumbled upon a 4 door rwd 83 Toyota Cressida, she was a gem with 90k orignal miles with minor front end damage from smacking a deer. We all pitched in to buy this car and thus this Cressida was on a path to reincarnation.
I'd Like To Call This Section.... fuck it I don't know just listen -Knowing that I will be moving to an apartment and our buddies had no where to store it, except for one particular man... no that's the wrong term, more like boy, or kid, or emo douche rag. I asked Mr. Emo Douche Rag SEVERAL TIMES if he is sure that it's ok if we store it at his place with perks, he can use it as a second car, his mom can use it and what not until we get the time to do work on it. Sounds great right? Boy was I fucking wrong.
As my professor in school called it "The downward spiral, into oblivion" - Time goes by and understandably we all can't get to work on it since we do have busy lives and other things to attend to, but it still didn't negate the fact that we will work on it eventually. Darkness fell upon Team A.D.D.icts, a buddy of mine finds out the transmission got fucked, now what the hell happened? Nobody knows cause Pre - pubescent horse shit didn't tell anybody. STRIKE ONE.
Now to just fast forward cause I don't want to bore you with current events. Again another lengthy time goes by and something happens and yes you guessed it, it has something to do with Mr. I take too many pictures of myself. This something puts Cumstain into a dilemma and eventually Project Cressida was junked at the junkyard. STRIKE TWO. Now I know, people are wondering, "Why is this such a big deal? He had to do what he needed to do." Although this statement maybe true, let me tell you why it's such a fucking big deal.
He didn't consult anybody about his plans for the wrongfully buried Cressida......This ^^^^ right here is a big fucking deal. For one - if he only said something, that Cressida would have had a new home, Two - he didn't say shit, Three - The rest of the people who pitched in to pay for the car did not see one penny when it got junked.
So here we are thinking like idiots that we still have the Cressida when in reality, it got JUNKED away. Not right. So it's junked and we don't get payed back, I don't know about you but that's fucking with my money, no matter how small the fee was I and other people can agree with the saying "Don't FUCK with my money!"
We can also agree, the whole principal, if you have any decency, to TELL US and not just go right ahead and decide what to do. We all pitched in and we'd like to see that money back.
On top of this he has his mom fighting his battles, pointing the finger at me for getting in between him and his friendships. Let's get things straight here, not once did I sway his friends into thinking he is a bad person, they learned that on their own. No I'm not a ringleader brainwashing them into not wanting to be friends with him, again he did that all on his own, pushing them away. Do not speak of my friends saying I control them, cause I don't and they are more intelligent and have something called self respect to let that happen. In fact they we're my friends way before I introduced them to you. I take it as throwing shit on my face for things I didn't do, there were plenty of times to come up and talk to me, or anyone else who pitched in to buy the car, but you didn't. Give up trying to save face trying to be the "good guy" here cause you're not. You are selfish, you only think of yourself, YOU AREN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS TO DEAL WITH PROBLEMS DAY TO DAY.
I've lost all respect for you in the 10 years we were friends. Time after time you fucked up, this time you majorly screwed yourself and obviously lost great comrades. I too have fucked up from time to time but I stuck to honoring my word. I cannot stand by and feel sorry for you day in to day out, you think the world likes to shit on you, but in reality you brought yourself there. You pushed away everyone and fucked us to no comprehension. We aren't talking shit, we are speaking facts, and the fact is you fucked up, for once in your life take charge for the actions you have brought upon this crew. I cannot accept you into this crew, your drama has darkened our lives to have a great time.
Now without further adieu I'd like politely ask you to get the fuck out.
RIP - 83 Cressida, you could have been something but someone fucked you and left you to rot.